COVID Comp Tape #5

The whole playlist is here, for your continuous viewing pleasure. 

'Tiger Mask II vs La Fiera - August 26, 1984

Tiger Mask Misawa, and really every iteration of Tiger Mask, is polarizing. I'm not crazy about this run, but I don't think it's actively bad, either. In general, I am just sort of generally disappointed in most of the stuff, but there's also usually something cool. The tope in this match rules, but La Fiera is the real star here.

Dick Murdoch vs Ray Gonzalez - November 17, 1991

A random TV match between a declining Dick Murdoch and a young Ray Gonzalez, where Murdoch may or may not break Gonzalez's orbital bone, and may or may not keep punching him in the head, while he bleeds buckets.

Alexander Otsuka vs Takeshi Ono - March 9, 1996

Someone once described Alexander Otsuka as "Kurt Angle if he was good." This is from the first Battlarts show, where Es are optional, but suplexes aren't.

Low Ki vs Necro Butcher - April 1, 2006

A dumb hillbilly and a guy who takes himself way too seriously hit each other real hard, then Ian Rotten, who could accurately be described as both a hillbilly and a guy who takes himself too seriously, shows up to be sanctimonious about indie wrestling.

Quiet Storm vs Katsuhiko Nakajima - February 22, 2018

This match has the best finish of any match in a long time, I bring it up a lot, watch it.

Ultimo Maldito & Aramis vs Arcangel Divino & Puma King - February 23, 2019


Ultimo Maldito and Arcangel Divino are brothers who have some wild spots they do together, I'm not sure if they are good wrestlers in the strictest sense, but they are impressive nonetheless. Puma King and Aramis are two of the best wrestlers in Mexico right now. Puma King has been everywhere: PWG, WXW, DDT. Aramis hasn't had that kind of exposure, but he's one of my favorite Lucha guys at the moment. 

Daisuke Harada vs Dick Togo - January 30, 2020

Dick Togo has been having great matches for over 20 years. Daisuke Harada, also good.


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