COVID Comp Tape #1

The whole playlist is here, for your continuous viewing pleasure. 

Bruno Sammartino vs Waldo Von Erich - June 16, 1975

Waldo Von Erich is a Nazi. Nazis occupied Bruno's village, forcing Bruno to flee to the mountains where some days they ate snow for lack of food. Waldo stabs Bruno. Bruno beats his ass with one arm.

Naomichi Marufuji vs Akira Taue - March 5, 2006

Opinions on Marufuji differ. I like him, but I can see why people don't. Some of his stuff looks bad, some of his stuff is just kind of stupid. Aside from that, this match has a lot of fun counters, including Taue grabbing a chokeslam out of a Shiranui attempt. Post-prime Taue is the best of the post-prime Pillars.

Larry Zbyszko vs Sgt. Slaughter - September 7, 1985

I dig Zbyszko, he has a rep for stalling and doing a lot of nothing, which is mostly unfounded. He rules. Sgt, Slaughter, not a real military officer apparently, is one of the best wrestlers ever and takes a stupid bump to the outside on a missed clothesline. That also rules.

Desiree Petersen vs Judy Martin - June 22, 1985

An absolutely wild match from 1985 WWF, not exactly the place you'd expect a wild women's match. The highlight of the match might be Gorilla Monsoon rolling the lifeless body of Desiree Petersen back into the ring so Judy Martin can continue her assault.

Ricky Banderas vs Slash Venom - October 18, 2003

You might have seen the finish of this match before, but the whole thing is wild. Watch it for Flash Flanagan almost getting killed, but stay to see Savio Vega sweat through a dress shirt in seconds.

Gary Albright & Mark Silver vs Kazuo Yamazaki & Kiyoshi Tamura - July 12, 1992

I think shootstyle tag matches are dumb. The whole genre is based on a rejection of wrestling tropes, and tag matches are wholly a creation of traditional pro wrestling, but this is great and Gary Albright has the greatest hot tag in history.

Big Mami and Nino Hamburguesa vs Keyra and Arez vs Lady Maravilla and Villano III Jr. vs Vanilla and Dinastia - January 25, 2020

I don't really know the first thing about Lucha, but I'll watch something if it is recommended to me, and this is a wild 4-way mixed tag. Big Mami and Nino Hamburguesa are an entertaining version of Swedenhouse and Ponderosa and Villano III Jr. is one of the best rising stars in wrestling at the moment.


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