COVID Comp Tape #3

The whole playlist is here, for your continuous viewing pleasure. 

Riki Choshu vs Rick Martel -  October 19, 1985

I'm trying to watch more Rick Martel. I know him from his WWF stuff, which is whatever. He's a pretty great tag team wrestler in the 80s, but by the 90s he's very much ok, and that includes his brief run in WCW, which is one of the most overrated runs in wrestling history. I haven't seen much of his AWA stuff, and none of his stuff in Portland, but this AWA title defense against Choshu is awesome.

Jumping Bomb Angels vs Glamour Girls - Novermber 24, 1987

Wrestlemania III aired on FS1 the other day. Steamboat/Savage is great, but this is the best match in 1987 WWF.

Vader vs Naoki Sano - October 4, 1993

I'm ambivalent about Vader in UWFi. Some of it is great, the Tamura match and the first Takada match. Some of it is disappointing, the Albright match and the last Takada match are both kinda stinkers. But this match here, this one, this is the best.

Jun Akiyama vs Yoshinari Ogawa - September 11, 1998

Man, Yoshinari Ogawa rules. He rules as a junior here in All Japan, he rules as a Junior in NOAH now, he was great as GHC Champion. He's such a dick. Jun Akiyama, is the best wrestler in All Japan history, which covers a lot of ground, and is an opinion that I'm sure would make people really mad.

Bryan Danielson vs Low Ki - February 24, 2001

Let's fastforward to the futuristic year of 2001, where The Offspring is acceptable entrance music, not all the cameras have audio, Low Ki is inventing the idea of modern indie wrestling and some dude named Bryan is dressed like a member of 3 Count.

Black Terry vs Wotan, August 21, 2016

Last week's playlist had Super Porky and Rey Escorpion punching each other in the head a bunch. This week we have a 60+ year old Black Terry and a random DTU guy beating the tar out of each other in an open air pole barn.

Yuki Ishikawa vs Daisuke Ikeda - March 7, 2020

More people over 50 engaging in grievous bodily harm. Ishikawa and Ikeda have this odd place in wrestling.They are two guys so steadfastly dedicated to their vision of what pro wrestling should be that they've ended up hitting each other in the head on a regular basis for nearly 30 years. From BattleArts to Fu-Ten to here in WXW, they just punch, kick, and headbutt each other, HARD, because, for whatever reason, it is what they've chosen to do with their lives.


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