[04-30-2006] John Cena vs Triple H vs Edge

John Cena beat Triple H at Wrestlemania, but only because Triple H underestimated him, at least according to Triple H. He wants a rematch, but Edge won at WrestleMania, so he wants a shot at Cena. So, they both get a match with the champion at Backlash.

Edge dips out early to let Triple H and Cena fight it out, and they are happy to oblige. Cena gets the advantage early, covers HHH, but Edge slips in the ring to break it up, and then pops right back out. The same thing happens when Triple H goes for a cover. Triple H and Cena are slugging it out, with Edge cheering them on from the apron. Eventually, they grow tired of Edge's shtick and team up to go after the Rated R Superstar. From here, we get a series of the guys coupling off, first Triple H and Edge, then Cena and Edge, and then Triple H and Edge. typical triple threat fair, with nothing much of note except for Cena hitting a top rope splash on Edge. Edge grabs Triple H is a sleeper and Cena slides in the rings, picks both up for a double FU. Really cool stuff, but Edge slides off and hits Cena with a spear while he still has Triple H up, not quite as slick as Cena though. Edge and Triple H roll to the outside, a little brawling, and then Triple H takes a ring post to the head and comes up bleeding. An Edgeucution on the announce table, and Triple H is incapacitated. Edge takes it to Cena now, starting with a top rope dropkick. Cena takes a beating but goes back on offense with a counter into an STFU. Edge looks like he's going to get the rope, but Triple H stops him, and nails Cena with a microphone. Edge rolls to the outside only to eat a big Chair Shot from Triple H. HHH rolls back into the ring, covered in blood now, but runs straight into a STFU. It looks like he's out, but he doesn't let his arm drop on the third check and eventually gets to the rope. The blood loss is really getting to him as he stumbles straight into a FU, but slips off, Pedigree attempt, but no, another STFU. Edge is up and climbing the ropes, so Cena gives up the submission to go after him. They fight on the ropes, and Cena hooks a Super-FU, but Triple H hits an electric chair on the two of them. Everyone is down. Lita is in the ring with a chair, running at Triple H, but she eats a spinebuster. She drops the chair in an awkward way, and the spinebuster almost lands on the chair at the worst angle possible, but they get lucky. Triple H goes out at grabs the sledgehammer but eats a spear from Edge as soon as he gets in the ring. Edge goes after Cena with it, but ends up in a FU. Triple H hits Cena with a low blow before he can hit the FU and Edge slides off and to the outside. Triple H goes for the pedigree, but Cena counters with a jackknife cover and gets the 3.

Post-match, Triple H cleans house with the sledgehammer, but it doesn't matter John Cena is still WWE champion, even if they're playing Triple H's music to close the show.

A very weird ending to the show, but the match was good. It never dragged, the requisite Triple Threat spots never seemed too convoluted or over-long. Edge hit a couple spears, but, it wasn't an excess of finisher spam. It was a WWE Triple Threat Main Event match, not a great one, but a perfectly acceptable one. 


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