[05-22-2005] John Cena vs JBL (I Quit Match)


I got the idea to watch every John Cena PPV main event and rank them. I don't know what the general consensus on Cena is anymore, but I'd say generally I'm pretty high on him, although there are matches of his, the Umaga one comes to mind, that I don't love as much as most. So here goes nothing.

Cena just beat JBL for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania the month before, so this is his first defense in his first PPV main event, so it's a big spot for Big Match John. Things start slow but escalate quickly. JBL chokes Cena with a belt, JBL takes a massive back body drop through the announce table, JBL brains Cena with a chair, and Cena comes up just gushing blood. JBL is great here playing a giant prick. He's eating the shit out of Cena, but he knows Cena won't quit, certainly not from any sort of pain Bradshaw is going to inflict, so he basically tries to reason with him. Cena won't quit but maybe he will if Bradshaw's gonna end his rap career, his movie career, or any future he has. JBL tries to run, Cena chases him and they end up brawling near some AV equipment. One thing leads to another, JBL chokes Cena with an extension cord, Cena throws JBL through a tube TV, and now Bradshaw's bleeding too. JBL gets thrown through a window of his limo, suplexed on the roof, and takes two nasty bumps into a car door. JBL is taking a beating here. Edge gets a lot of cred for making Cena, and we'll see if that's true, but boy JBL is getting the tar beat out of him here. Let's Go Cena chants as JBL chokes him with another chord of some sort, and no Cena Sucks refrain. JBL takes a bump off the top of a stack of speakers through a table. Cena rips the exhaust stack off of a truck and goes to attack JBL with it, and JBL quits. It's a bit anti-climactic, but JBL points to his head, giving off the idea that he lost, but he's smart enough to know he can't win and things are only going to get worse from here. Cena hits him the pipe anyway, sending JBL through a sheet of plate glass for good measure. Cena poses with the spinner belt and we are off the air.

Real good stuff here, but a much more impressive outing for JBL than Cena. Now, Cena is over like crazy here, and I'm sure JBL wouldn't have been so giving if Cena wasn't a mega-star in the making, but boy does he take some kind of beating. 



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