COVID Comp Tape #4

The whole playlist is here, for your continuous viewing pleasure.

Mark Rocco vs Fuji Yamada - June 13, 1987

Maskless Liger comes to the ring with a sword, Mark Rocco comes to the ring looking like he read a book about how Japanese people dress. The match is good, though.

Ronnie Garvin vs Russ Tyler - June 1, 1988

I've watched a ton of Crockett this year. A good chunk of it is just guys bleeding 7 seconds after the bell rings and matches that are too long, but Ron Garvin slaps the shit out of people, like 2020 Kazuyuki Fujita without the postmodern staring contest.

Octagon vs Fuerza Guerrera - November 3, 1991

I write this every week, but I don't know anything about Lucha. So, whatever I say may, and probably will, be wrong. Octagon has never impressed me, I haven't seen a ton, but he seems to just be there most of the time. Fuerza seems pretty good. This match is great though, the best performance I've ever seen from Octagon.

Vader vs Dan Bobish - June 29, 2003

This era of Vader is hit and miss, and mostly misses. He has a match with Hashimoto at one of the first HUSTLE shows that is a complete stinker. Dan Bobish is a giant MMA fighter who, unlike a lot of the Pride guys who tried wrestling in this period, never really got any credit. He is pretty good. Just a couple of big boys roughhousing.

Katsuyuri Shibata & KENTA vs Akira Taue & Go Shiozaki - September 9, 2006

The first one of these comps had Taue vs Marufuji. This is sort of the same thing, except instead of Marufuji, its two guys who are giant dicks and kick dudes real hard. Go Shiozaki is here too, before he got really good. He gets beat up for a lot of this, as you might expect.

Hana Kimura vs Mika Iwata - April 19, 2018

We lost Hana Kimura this week under incredibly unfortunate circumstances, as I'm sure you are aware. Be kind to each other.

Saree vs Yoshiko - February 22, 2020

People got mad at Saree for cashing out and signing with WWE this year, because pro wrestling is Minor Threat or something. Yoshiko is maybe the most underrated Joshi wrestler in the world right now, she's a great monster. Saree throws her with some cool suplexes and cool suplexes are what wrestling is all about.


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