COVID Comp Tape #2

The whole playlist is here, for your continuous viewing pleasure. 

Andre the Giant vs Franz Van Buyten - January 20, 1968

A ton of this wrestling from France showed up online fairly recently. I haven't watched it, but this match got some hype, mostly for being an early Andre match, so I watched it. Franz Van Buyten, who I believe is a German wrestler of some note, spams a bunch of 'ranas in 1968, for real.

Giant Baba vs Pedro Morales - June 13, 1974

This is the best Pedro Morales match I've ever seen, which isn't saying much, I haven't seen a lot and most of it has stunk. Baba takes multiple kitchen sink bumps for Pedro, because Baba rules.

Invader #1 vs Super Black Ninja - January 30, 1988

I know people don't like Invader, and I'm sure he isn't a great human, but if we're gonna let Chris Benoit's friends rehab his image, we can enjoy some Invader matches. Invader is maybe the best bleeder in wrestling history, he bleeds here while wearing a mask, because that's how Invader #1 rolls. Plus, Muta in street fight gear.

Brian Pillman vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger - Decenmber 27, 1991

A random house show match between Pillman and Liger with some terrible fan commentary. I like this quite a bit more than their match from SuperBrawl 92.

Aja Kong, Awesome Kong & Shinjiro Otani vs Geniciro Tenryu & Wataru Sakata - August 8, 2006

I've watched a lot of HUSTLE, it's entertaining, but I wouldn't say it's good. Considering the roster of wrestlers that went through the promotion, you would think there would be a bunch of good matches, but there just aren't any. But, where else are you gonna see Tenryu and Aja Kong face off?

Super Porky vs Rey Escorpion - August 18, 2013


You wanna watch Super Porky and Rey Escorpion shoot punch each other in the head a bunch? I thought you did.

Star Jr, Atlantis Jr, & Valiente vs Hechicero, Templario, & Rey Bucanero, January 10, 2020

I don't know much about lucha history, gimmicks, fueds, etc, but I do know who I like, and I like Star Jr, Valiente, Hechicero, and Templario. CMLL is a fairly dull promotion as of late, but this match is very good and one of the highlights of the year for the promotion.


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