[01-01-2022] Big E vs Bobby Lashley vs Seth Rollins vs Kevin Owens vs Brock Lesnar - WWE: Day 1


Roman got COVID, so WWE threw Brock Lesnar in a Fatal 4-Way, and proceeded to have a 5-way hoss sprint. It ruled. Just non-stop big moves, all gas no brakes. Brock starts spamming suplexes, especially throwing some brutal ones on Kevin Owens. Big E dumps Brock out of the ring. Lashley brains E on the ring post then spears Brock through the barricade. Owens and Rollins, non-hosses, team up to try and match meat with Lashley and the Brock. That brings us to the plunder portion, Ring steps, the top of the announce table, all leading to Big E hitting a uranage on Lashley through the table. Seth and KO take over again on Brock and then E. Big E gets the knees up on Owens' Moonsault but Rollins follows right up with a Frog splash. Seth goes to Stomp Brock, but no. Brock F-5s him, then E, then KO, Brocks primal, and then he eats a Lashley spear. Hurt Lock on Brock, Big breaks it up, Big Ending on Lashley, F-5 on Big E and Brock is the new champ. 

I don't know what Roman-Brock was supposed to look like, but it wasn't gonna be anything like this. Brock got thrown into a cluster, and just blew the whole thing out, in the best way possible.


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