COVID Comp Tape #7

The whole playlist is here, for your continuous viewing pleasure. 

Bull Curry vs Johnny Valentine - June 20, 1969

Here is a comprehensive list of the best things in wrestling: cool suplexes, wild dives, shoot punches to the head. The second fall of this match is mostly Curry punching Valentine in the head a bunch, it is incredible. 

Nick Bockwinkel vs Ricky Morton - July 2, 1982

Bock rules, 1982 Ricky Morton does a real bad figure four leg lock. 

Jumbo Tsuruta vs Genichiro Tenryu - April 20, 1989

This is the first match of the Tenryu/Jumbo series. The second match is one of the greatest matches of all time, but this one is great too. The botched powerbomb at the end is brutal.
Tatsuo Nakano vs Masakatsu Funaki - July 24, 1989

The opening strike exchanges here are great, and Nakano getting beat up is always worth watching.

Naoki Sano vs Rick Martel - December 12, 1992

I've been trying to watch more Martel, there was a match with him and Choshu on an earlier one of these, and I don't really see the all-time great stuff that people claim to see. Sano rules, always and forever. This is just OK, but like, don't you just wanna see Naoki Sano fight Rick Martel in his Hasbro gear?

Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa vs Alexander Otsuka & Shinya Hashimoto - January 13, 2001

This isn't as good as the sum of its parts, because if it was it would be one of the best matches ever, but Hashimoto and Otsuka trying to goad a gaggle of NOAH young boys into a fight is worth your time.

Roderick Strong vs Drew Galloway - September 14, 2014

So, Evolve, may or may not have died this week. For a period of time it was the best promotion in the world, and while the end got weird, there are is a giant catalog of great matches. This is one of them. Interestingly, this is the match where Drew steals the Sick Kick from Roddy, which he used to beat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. Wrestling can be weird like that sometimes. 


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