COVID Comp Tape #6

The whole playlist is here, for your continuous viewing pleasure. 

Gran Hamada vs Baby Face - April 3, 1980

1980 New Japan is a wild place where you've got Inoki and his nonsense on the top of the card, and then Fujinami, Dynamite Kid, Tiger Mask, Gran Hamada and company having these wild matches on the undercard. Gran Hamada has a great dive in this match that's worth checking out. 

Ernie Ladd vs Tom Jones - January 2, 1981

I've been watching WWWF All Star Wrestling lately, mostly on in the background while I'm doing something else, and it can't be overstated how much life Ernie Ladd brings to the shows. He's just the coolest motherfucker alive, especially compared to Bob Backlund, Dino Bravo, and the rest of the late 70's WWWF crew. I'm not sure he was ever a great wrestler in the ring, but it doesn't really matter, and the double leg drop is great. 

Hijo del Santo vs Brazo de Oro - January 13, 1991


As I've been working my way through all this Lucha stuff I've decided to watch lately, Hijo del Santo is the absolute standout. Absolutely one of the best wrestlers to ever do the thing. His tope is maybe the best move in wrestling history.

Kiyoshi Tamura & Yuko Miyato vs Tatsuo Nakano & Mark Fleming - June 28, 1992

Come for the Nakano/Miyato exchanges, stay for Tamura punking Nakano from the mount. 

The Road Warriors vs Alexander Otsuka & Mohammed Yone - November 23, 1998

Is this a good wrestling match? Well, its LOD 2000, so no, but does that stop Otsuka from going wild and doing the stupidest and most reckless dive of his life? No, don't be silly. 

KENTA & Kenta Kobashi vs Katsuhiko Nakajima & Kensuke Sasaki - August 17, 2008

This is the final fall of a much longer tag team survival/gauntlet match. You can find it elsewhere, but this only part you need to see.

Eddie Kingston vs Wes Barkley - August 25, 2018

Eddie Kingston beating people up is one of my favorite things.


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