[11-01-2005] John Cena vs Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels

This match is a continuation of the Unforgiven match between John Cena and Kurt Angle, but this is Taboo Tuesday and the fans get to vote on a third wrestler to make our main event a Triple Threat Match. In the weeks leading up to this show, Eric Bischoff set up an angle for Shawn Michaels to get involved with Cena and Angle, stacking the deck in HBK's favor, especially considering the other options for the poll were Kane and Big Show.

It is also worth noting that this match follows a very good, and incredibly bloody cage match between Ric Flair and Triple H. Cena is still over like crazy at this point in 2005, but having to follow a bloodbath cage match isn't exactly an envious position. 

Shawn Michaels, predictably, wins the poll and at one point in the show we are shown Angle approaching Michaels, proposing a deal of sorts; He and Shawn take out Cena and wrestle each other for the title. The posture before the bell seems to indicate that Angle and HBK have a deal, but as soon as the bell rings, Kurt tosses Michaels. A little back and forth between all three, until Cena back body drops Angle to the outside, and we get a Cena and HBK segment. Nothing special, but Angle pops up on the apron for a second only to be knocked back down. Not earth-shattering, but a clever way around the interminable selling that can happen in a Triple Threat. Angle eventually gets back in the ring, and all three trade various pin attempts. Cena gets a two count on Angle, Shawn breaks it up, and it seems the two have decided to honor their deal, ganging up on Cena with forearms and stomps. Cena eats a double gordbuster through the announce table and we are into the Shawn and Kurt portion of the match. Chops, stomps, and lifters carry the day until Angle slows things down with a body triangle. Shawn works his way back up and things build to Angle hitting an Angle slam off the top rope on Shawn. For all the criticism Angle gets, some of which is deserved, him sprinting up to the second rope to hit something off the top is all-time great stuff. That digression aside, Shawn kicks out, and Cena hits the ring like a house of fire and starts the FIVE MOVES ON DOOM on Shawn, but Angle thwarts the  Knuckle Shuffle and throws Cena out of the ring. Shawn takes over briefly until Cena comes back in. Kurt takes the opportunity to Suplex HBK out of the ring. Cena gets Angle up for the FU, Angle slides off and into the ankle lock. Kurt drops down and grapevines the leg, which usually means the end of the match, but Shawn hits the elbow drop off the top to break things up. He runs to the corner and starts tuning up the band. Sweet Chin Music on Angle, but Cena scoops him up, hits the FU, and its all over. Cena wins.

A good main event showing here. A lot of Triple Threat tropes, but done well, and a hot finishing sequence make this one. This was better than the Angle match at Unforgiven, but still doesn't touch the JBL match. I don't know if it is having to follow the cage match, a less than hot crowd, or what, but already less than a year into his first big run, it seems like Cena is starting to cool off a bit. Maybe having perennial favorite Shawn Michaels in the match hurt him here, but there is a marked difference from the crowd in the JBL match and here, and that can't all be based on match quality. 



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