100 Greatest WWE Matches

1. AJ Styles vs. John Cena - Royal Rumble 2017 

An excessive match, that earned its excess. The two best guys of their generation, going at it one last time, in front of a stadium crowd, kicking out of killshots, throwing everything at each other. The best.

2. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart - WrestleMania X 

Aesthetically perfect, a great story, and a great finish. Two guys, incredibly familiar with each other, having a match that only they could have. Could have been number one, and might be if I do this list again later. 

3. John Cena vs. CM Punk - WWF Title Match - Money in the Bank 2011 

I'm not sure if you held this match without fans, this exact match, mover for move, that it would be all that great. It would be good, but with this crowd, this angle, these two guys in that moment, its transcendent. A specific match for a specific moment in time. 

4. Johnny Gargano vs. Andrade Almas - NXT Title Match - NXT Takeover: Philadelphia 

When I started this project, this was penciled in at the top spot. At the time, it seemed like it was the best match WWE had ever put on, in the immediate aftermath anyway. That isn't to say it doesn't hold up, it does. Gargano is at his most sympathetic, Andrade is a menace, Candice and Zelina are great, it rules. But when you're at the top of this list, small things can keep you from the topand the stomp to the outside were Gargano holds onto the rope for no reason bugs me. Mileage may very, still great, but just not number one.

5. Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker - Hell in a Cell - IYH: Bad Blood 1997 

The match that set the template for all other cell matches. Shawn sells all over the cage as Undertaker stalks him, which sounds boring, but is incredibly paced and laid out. Shawn is the star here, but Taker is no slouch. All that, plus the Kane debut, puts it over the top. 

6. Buddy Rogers vs. Pat O'Connor - NWA World Heavyweight Title - 6/30/61 - Capitol Wrestling TV 

Just an incredible match. Unless you are a modern workrate absolutist and unable to view anything in the context of its era, I can't see leaving this off. If you haven't seen it, go watch it.

7. AJ Styles vs. Roman Reigns – WWE Title Match – Extreme Rules 2016 

A modern classic, that if it didn't feature Roman Reigns, and instead had someone who it was cool to like, would be universally lauded. They just throw everything they have at each other and neither blink. Roman hitting the Black Tiger Bomb is incredible. 

8. Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin - Survivor Series 1996 

More technical than their WrestleMania match, with a better ending. I know Bret doesn't like this match as much, and neither does Austin, but I think its just a smidge better. Austin as out of sorts at the end and goes for a desperation Million Dollar Dream, only to fall right into the WrestleMania 8 finish. A masterpiece.

9. Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin - Submission Match - WrestleMania 13 

What is there to say, the match would be number one on a lot of lists, and it could easily be number one here, I certainly considered it, I just liked other matches more. It builds off of their previous match brilliantly, its a great brawl, it tells a great story, and has an iconic finish. Bret at his peak, and Austin is near his. A convergence of two of the best wrestlers ever, at a perfect moment in time. 

10. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Sami Zayn - NXT Takeover Dallas 

I debated where to put this, as I think it loses a bit on re-watch and hindsight, and ultimately it fell here. Nakamura's debut was a moment in and of itself, and its hard to separate that from the match, but the match does feel on that same level. It has no real stakes or story, but somehow it works as if it did. In the moment, I thought it was maybe the best match I'd ever seen. It isn't, but its an all-time performance from both guys.

John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar - Extreme Rules Match - Extreme Rules 2012 

Lesnar comes back to the WWE from a successful UFC stint and goes absolutely wild here, diving out of the ring and nearly killing himself, beating Cena to a pulp, in a wild plunder match. End-to-end an all-timer. 

12. Bret Hart vs. Diesel - WWF Title No Holds Barred Match - Survivor Series 1995 

Maybe my favorite match on this list. A violent anomaly for 1995 WWF, with maybe the best table spot ever, and a perfect ending. Bret's best performance ever. 

13. Adrian Adonis vs. Bob Backlund - WWF Title Match - MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 1/18/82 

Before he balooned up, and maybe even after that, I'm not sure Adonis wasn't the best wrestler in the world. He goes up against the WWF Ace and they have a Backlund match, but Adonis is so good here that it outpaces every other Backlund match

14. Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar - Universal Title Match - WrestleMania 33

An incredible sprint, that somehow encapsulates the entire story of this feud. Lesnar keeps getting owned by Goldberg in seconds, but here he's finally figured Goldberg out. They just trade finishers, certainly it's a match that benefits from having low expectations at the time, but it is still incredible.

15. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar - WWE Title Match - Royal Rumble 2015 

Everybody takes like 7 finishers, Brock gets carted out on a stretcher only to return to the match, and Rollins hits a top rope phoenix splash. A perfect display of excess. 

16. World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio - WWE Tag Team Title Match - Vengeance 2003 

This is as good as a match with basically no build can be and an absolute hidden gem that I watched twice in a row to make sure I wasn't crazy. Kidman hits a springboard shooting star press to the outside, Rey hits an assisted top rope hurricanrana. Just an incredible tag match.

17. Ultimate Warrior vs. Randy Savage - Career Ending Match - WrestleMania VII

I'm sure having this at 17 is inconceivable to most people reading this, but I've never connected with this match, at all. I get the story and the drama, but it just doesn't effect me in anyway. But, I understand that it's great and 17 is the lowest I could justify putting it, because if this was a list of favorite matches, I'm not sure it would be top 50.

18. Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog - WWF Intercontinental Title Match - SummerSlam 1992

I would say that this is the spot where I considered every match from this point on as a contender for #1, Not saying they all could be #1, but I atleast considered them. Maybe the best carry job in the history of wrestling. Bret is just everything here.
19. Daniel Bryan vs Kofi Kingston - WWE Championship Match - Wrestlemania 35

Bryan is incredible here. The story that they told up to this was absolutely incredible, WWE's ability to get a career mid-carder with a middling solo career into one of the main events of WrestleMania and to have every person in the arena dying for him to win is a major accomplishment. Bryan goes out here and has the match of his life, does everything he can to make Kofi, and does it.

20. The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family - Elimination Chamber 2014

These two teams had an incredible run, whatever permutation, these teams would go out and kill it. This match is the peak of that run, just 6 guys with great chemistry and a hot angle going at it.

21. Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns - WWE Title Match - WrestleMania 31

These guys just beat the breaks off of each other. Its great. The Rollins thing at the end was exciting at the time, so I don't let it detract from the match, but it is a bit deflating for this match to end with a MitB cash in.

22. Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle - WWE Title Match - SummerSlam 2001

2001 was all about Austin trying to prove that he was the best wrestler in the world, especially against guys like Angle and Benoit, and in a big spot on a big show, he goes all out.

23. Buddy Rose vs. Bob Backlund - WWF Title Match - MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 8/30/82 

This project has made me re-evaluate Backlund a bit. In general, I think I was already high on Backlund, but boy is he really the consummate ace. He takes on all this disparate challengers, takes their best, and beats them. Buddy Rose is one of the best ever and he is incredible selling for Backlund, who as always eats up a lot of the match.

24. Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind - WWF Title Match - IYH: Mind Games 1996

A match that went a long way to legitimize Shawn as a believable champion. Foley, as is always the case, goes out of his way to make Shawn look like a star.

25. Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan - World Heavyweight Title Best of Three Falls Match - Extreme Rules 2012

I find the story of this match to be really smartly told. Bryan get's DQ's early in the first fall, and Sheamus has to fight back for the rest of the match. It's a fairly rote format for this match, but both Bryan and Sheamus knock it out of the park.

26. DIY vs. The Revival - NXT Tag Team Title Match - NXT Takeover: Toronto

In a big match against a great face team, Revival can be absolutely incredible. Garagano is absolutely perfect here, before he stared at his hands all the time. Ciampa is the perfect violent counterpart. Great stuff.

27. John Cena vs Daniel Bryan - WWE Title Match - Summerslam 2013

The two best wrestlers in this era of WWE in the main event of a big show, with a hot angle and it completely delivers. The way the show ends is a bit deflating, but this match is pretty much perfect.

28. John Cena vs. Umaga - WWE Title Last Man Standing Match - Royal Rumble 2007

I think I have this a bit low, but I've never connected with it 100%. Cena is great here, one of his best performances and Umaga is as good of a monster heel as there had been in the WWE for a long time, but its just a bit too long and I've never seen a Last man Standing match that wouldn't have been better as a No DQ match.

29. Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk - No Disqualification Match - SummerSlam 2013

Punk is in sort of a weird spot in current day wrestling, his walking away has really made him a polarizing figure, but it's a match like this that makes you realize how great he could be. There isn't a ton of build really, there's the Heyman angle, but this is the height of Punk being more interested in the Blackhawks than he was wrestling, and still he and Brock have an incredible match. I think there can be a bit of a believabilty problem with Brock matches, like against a guy like Finn Balor, it can seem like there's no way that a guy of that level and stature can win, so it takes a lot to overcome that. Punk does that here, in a match that it didn't seem like he would win, he still got everyone to believe that he could. Great stuff

30. Roddy Piper, Junkyard Dog, & Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage, Adrian Adonis, & King Harley Race - Elimination Match - MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 2/23/87 

A great match that has become a bit of a hidden gem. The elimination match makes this even more interesting.

31. Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H - WrestleMania XXX

Triple H's best match, a great heel performance, and a crowd that absolutely needs Bryan to win. Great stuff, plus HHH busting out a Tiger suplex is a hoot.

32. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle - WWE Title Match - WrestleMania XX 

Fast paced, with a lot of stuff on the mat, all built around the Ankle Lock, culminating in an all-time great finish. 

33. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels - WWF Intercontinental Title Ladder Match - SummerSlam 1995

I'm a bit torn on this one. I think this match is a lot better than the first one, but it obviously doesn't have the impact of the WrestleMania one. This match is a big improvement on the first, but without the first match I don't know how I would feel about it.

34. Glamour Girls vs. Jumping Bomb Angels - WWF Women’s Tag Team Title Match - Prime Time Wrestling 11/24/87

The Jumping Bomb Angels were the best workers in the WWF in 1987. Better than Savage, better than Steamboat. This is their best WWF match, and the Glamour Girls are great here too.

35. Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage - WWF Intercontinental Title Match - WrestleMania III 

A classic, not much can be said about it that hasn't already been said. I know there is an argument to be made that the Toronto match is better, but I don't buy it.

36. Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock, Goldust & Legion of Doom vs. Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, Jim Neidhart & British Bulldog - IYH: Canadian Stampede 

A match that hits on every level. The crowd is on fire, the angle is incredibly hot, and everyone in the match milked it to the fullest potential. Is it an in-ring classic, not really, but every other element of it is just a 10/10.

37. Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle - WWE Title Match - WrestleMania XIX

If Lesnar hits the shooter, this is in the top 20. The whole match is just incredible, but when the finish is such a dud it just kills the momentum of the match. The fact I have it 37 speaks volumes to how good it was considering the finish is a hastily called audible.

38. The Shield vs. Evolution - Extreme Rules 2014 

The Shield as a 3 man unit have a pretty impeccable track record, even their perfunctory reunion had pretty solid matches. This one isn't as good as the Wyatts match, but its great and in a big spot against one of WWE's biggest groups. Rollins really stands out here.

39. American Alpha vs. Revival - NXT Tag Team Title Match - Takeover Dallas

I'll freely admit that I've never been high on the Revival, think they are mostly a product of nostalgia and southern wrestling fetishism, but they can be very effective heels, and with a face team like Gable and Jordan, they can put together great matches.

40. Pat Patterson vs. Sgt. Slaughter - Alley Fight - MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 4/21/81 

An all timer. Slaughter is at his best, Patterson is a great babyface with fire. Its fairly brutal for 81 and still holds up on that level.

41. AJ Styles vs. John Cena - Summerslam 2016

I feel like the series of matches these guys had is incredibly underrated, like all time great stuff. This match isn't their best, their best match will show up much later in my list, but these guys just had great chemistry right off the bat. Cena is the consummate ace, maybe the best to ever have that role in any promotion, and AJ is the newcomer coming for the thrown. just incredible stuff.

42. Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks - Raw Women's Title - Hell in a Cell Match - Hell in a Cell 2019
Becky has had a few duds in big matches, but this is her shining moment. Every spot pays off, everything works, and for a WWE Women's match it is about as violent as you can get.

43. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens - Battleground 2016

This is sort of the idealized WWE version of this match. The ROH matches are great, and the first NXT match is incredible, but it is all about Owens, but this might be their best. It is back and forth competitive, and calls back to a lot of their previous matches. Over time, this pairing has grown a bit stale, but in 2016 it was still a hot feud and this match is excellent.

44.The Shield vs. Ryback, Kane & Daniel Bryan - TLC Match - TLC 2012

The Shield's in-ring debut. A match that really sets up the Shield for their entire run and into their solo runs. Seth takes a crazy bumb of a giant ladder, Roman looks incredible, Ambrose is fine. Bryan and Kane are great here, and Ryback is a monster. The Shield needed to show out in their debut, and they surpass expectations here.

45. Tommaso Ciampa vs. Johnny Gargano - NXT Title Unsanctioned Match - NXT Takeover: New Orleans

This is great stuff, Gargano is crazy over, everyone hates Ciampa, and they have a great match, not because of that, but on top of that. There's callbacks to previous spots, super finishers, plunder, and a vicious powerbomb on the exposed floor. It just misses a little bit for me.

46. Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch - NXT Women's Title Match - NXT Takeover: Unstoppable

This is the best women's match in NXT history, it has virtually no hype behind it, which might change given Becky's current standing, but it is better than any Bayley-Sasha match. One of the best NXT matches, probably the best of the early Takeover era. Great pacing, Sasha is a perfect heel, Becky is a great face.

47. Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog - WWF Title Match - In Your House #5

I know some consider this better than the SummerSlam match, but I'm not one of them. This is still very good, and it builds off that match, but it doesn't reach the heights of the other one. The second half of this match, which is much more of a fight than anything they had done previously, is very good and not something you see a lot in 1995 WWF. Bret even gets a "he's hardcore" chant.

Bob Backlund vs. Ken Patera - WWF Title Match - MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 5/19/80 

The Texas Death Match has more hype but this is better. Backlund gets some backlash for eating up too much of the match and not being a good babyface, in a traditional way anyway, but he's great here. He sells Patera's bearhug like it's death throughout the match and his comeback is great. 

49. Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper - WWF Intercontinental Title Match - WrestleMania VIII

A great match with a great finish, made all the better because Piper was so rarely pinned. Bret is great here but Piper really brings it in a way that he doesn't always do, his best "wrestling" match.

50. Bruno Sammartino & Tito Santana vs. Randy Savage & Adrian Adonis – Steel Cage Match – MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 7/12/86

Bruno in the cage at MSG in basically invincible, Tito kicks ass, but sells when he has to, Savage and Adonis spend the whole match trying to run away from the faces, it is absolute chaos, has a wild bump from Adonis, and Savage blades right into the camera. Just incredible stuff.

51. Brock Lesnar vs. Eddie Guerrero - WWE Title Match - No Way Out 2004

The moment where Eddie wins the title is incredible, the crowd is incredible, the match being great is just an added bonus. Sure, the Goldberg thing hurts it, but before that it was a great match, and it doesn't exactly hurt the moment, people didn't care how Eddie won, they just wanted to see him get the belt.

52. Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar - Survivor Series 2018

Bryan had wanted this match for years, and when he got it, he went all out. It is also a match that Brock needed, this was at the nadir of his recent run, he just hadn't had a good match, or even a match where he looked like he was even trying, but Bryan pulled a great one out of him. Great David vs Goliath match.

53. Ember Moon vs. Asuka – NXT Women’s Title Match – NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III

Totally underrated match, easily their best match. Asuka is the unbeatable killer of the NXT women's division, but her reign is getting long, and Ember Moon seems like the person to finally take her out. Great match, Asuka comes out on top, which maybe wasn't the best move, but an incredible match that doesn't ever really get mentioned.

54. Hulk Hogan vs. Big Boss Man - Steel Cage Match - MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 3/18/89

Boy, is Bossman great here, totally underrated guy, and the bump he takes off the cage is just wild. Hogan is over like crazy and works hard, but Bossman is the star here.

55. Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker - WrestleMania XXV

Obviously a great match, but its got a bit too much Shawn melodrama for my taste.

56. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels - WWF Intercontinental Title Ladder Match - WrestleMania X

I'm a bit torn with this one. Part of me thinks it should be a lot higher, it's the first televised WWF ladder match and it sort of defined what that match was supposed to be, certainly at the time it was incredible. But, I think the SummerSlam rematch is better, and with the benefit of hindsight, it doesn't hold up as an all-time great match.

57. Usos vs New Day - WWE SmackDown Tag Team Title Match - SummerSlam 2017

The two most accomplished and best teams of their era get a chance to have a great match and they do just that. One of the best tag matches in WWE history.

58. Steve Austin vs The Rock - WWF Title Match - WrestleMania X-7

I realize that most will think this is criminally low, and I get that, but I just don't really dig this match up in general, and while I admit that this is very good, I've never really connected with it, but obviously it has to be on this list.

59. Royal Rumble Match - Royal Rumble 1992

I'm not sure about including Rumbles on this list, but I don't see a way around including this one, it is just too good. The whole thing is built around Flair, and seemingly everyone who enters the match is either some dream match or somebody who he has a history with. It doesn't have any great wrestling, but the story told throughout is great.

60. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks - NXT Women’s Title - NXT Takeover: Brooklyn

The match, that in the eyes of a lot of people, made the NXT women's division. They gave these two women an opportunity in front of a hot crowd and the absolutely killed it. The spot where Sasha stomps on Bayley's hand going for the ropes is just perfect.

61. Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan - Fast Lane 2015

Great pro wrestling. Bryan chops down much bigger Roman with kicks, Roman sells it throughout the match. Eventually Roman's power wins out. This was a match that Roman really needed, he needed to prove he could really go before he main evented his first WrestleMania, and he went out an did it, at least until people decided he was bad again for a while.

62. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio v.s Chris Jericho vs. John Cena vs. Mike Knox vs. Kane World Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber Match - No Way Out 2009

Another match where Rey completely makes the match, without him this match probably stinks, but he makes it the best match of 2009. I know the chamber matches get a bad wrap, but this one is easily the best.

63. Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior - WWF Title vs. Intercontinental Title Match - WrestleMania VI

I don't whats to say for this match that hasn't been already said, Warrior kills it, Hogan kills it, the crowd eats it up. You can quibble with the Hogan stuff post-match, and the criss-cross stuff is kinda weird, but it's just good pro wrestling.

64. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton vs. Kurt Angle - World Heavyweight Title Match - WrestleMania 22

Maybe this a case of exceeding low expectations, but I loved this match on the rewatch, so much so I immediately watched it again to make sure. Rey is just amazing in this match, he's everywhere. The stuff with Angle is great and the stuff with Orton is better than you'd expect.

65. John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Title Match - WrestleMania 23

This is just a really strong match and maybe not the first great Cena match, but it was his first great match on a huge stage.

66. Sgt. Slaughter vs. Iron Sheik - Boot Camp Match - MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 6/6/84

Man, Slaughter was so great. He's bumps like a maniac and his matches in this era always have the crowd fired up. This crowd especially is molten here and when Slaughter wins they explode. Sheik plays his part, but Slaughter really carries this match.

67. Shawn Michaels & Diesel vs. Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid - WWF Tag Team Title Match - Action Zone 10/29/94

Another one that benefits from being a bit of a gem, a great tag match with some of the best wrestlers in the company at the time, and because they're all friends they go out and make sure everybody looks great. A great tag and in my mind the best WWF TV match.

68. Undertaker vs. Batista - World Heavyweight Title Match - WrestleMania 23

The best match of Batista's career and a match he really needed. He was floundering a bit as a champion and he got the main event of a huge Wrestlemania and he totally delivered. Also, the start of Undertaker having great matches at Wrestlemania.

69. John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar – WWE Title Match – SummerSlam 2014

This match is the perfect complement to Brock ending Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania, the two main parts of the puzzle that have turned Brock into the WWE version of a Final Boss. John Cena, the biggest star in wrestling in the last 15 years, just gets absolutely murdered. It's an incredible performance. 

70. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn - NXT Title Match - NXT Takeover: Rival

Another match that is just kind of perfect. Kevin Owens just absolutely brutalizes his best friend because he's standing in the way of him making money for his family. Zayn mounts basically no offense and the match ends in referee stoppage. Does it feature "great" work? No not really, but it tells a story in a way that really no WWE match had ever done.

71. Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade Almas - Smackdown 1/15/19

The best singles match in WWE television history. Rey Mysterio might go down as the best in-ring wrestler in WWE history and it's because of matches like this this one, some 20 plus years into his career, going move for move with one of the best wrestlers in the company, doing wild spots, and basically getting a CMLL lightning match over in Birmingham, Alabama. Just an excellent TV match.

72. Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle vs Triple H & Stephanie McMahon - Wrestlemania 34

The Ronda Rousey coming out party, the start to the best rookie run in the history of wrestling. The whole match is built around making Rousey a star and everybody delivers. Stephanie gets killed, Triple H bumps for her, and Angle is there to make the whole thing work. One of those matches that has a goal and completely delivers on it.

73. Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz - WWF Tag Team Title TLC Match - WrestleMania X-7

I've never dug these matches all that much, but I think this one is easily the best. Just a wild spot fest that still manages to still be a good match.

74. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks – NXT Women’s Title 30 Minute Iron Man Match – NXT TakeOver: Respect

I wanted to say that this was better than the Brooklyn match, but it just isn't. I think the Iron Man stipulation hurts it, frankly and it fails to top the Brooklyn match. Sure, you get the Sasha/Izzy moment which is great and the finish is cathartic, but it was set up to be this incredible match, the first female main event in NXT and coming off the Brooklyn match it was a real coming out for the NXT women. It's great, but it isn't quite what it needed to be, or rather as great as it could have been.

75. Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz - Ladder Match - No Mercy 1999

The precursor to the TLC matches and frankly better than all but one of those matches. It is hard to overstate had bad a year 1999 is for the WWF, like Austin/McMahon from SVDM is maybe a top 5 match from that year, so not only is this match good on it own, its incredible for the era it takes place in. While Jeff is the star of these matches for the crazy things he's willing to do, and Matt is no slouch either, E&C are the MVPs of the TLC-esque matches. They make the whole thing work, and very much play that role he

76. Bret Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid - WWF Title Match - Monday Night Raw 7/11/94

Up until just recently, I would have said it was the best TV match in WWF history, and having watched a ton of TV matches for this list, I have two above it, but you could easily make make still make that case. Kid is a great babyface in peril and Bret, and this is the real genius of Bret Hart, is the perfect amount of heel while still being able to be a face when the match is over.

77. Neville vs. Sami Zayn – NXT Title Match – NXT TakeOver: R Evolution

Zayn finally winning the title was as cathartic as NXT ever got and the Owens angle at the end of the show is the absolute peak of my NXT enjoyment.

78. Undertaker vs. Mankind - Hell in a Cell Match - King of the Ring 1998

It's got two incredible moments, and the entire thing is a spectacle, but there just isn't a lot of match there. The moment is just so indelible though, as a singular fleeting moment, Foley plummeting toward that announce table, is the most memorable couple of seconds in WWF history, even more so than Hogan slamming Andre. And then you get the chokeslam through the cell, which if it weren't for the spot preceding it, would be just as incredible.

79. Triple H vs. Cactus Jack - WWF Title Hell in a Cell Match - No Way Out 2000

Here's another minority opinion of mine; this is the best Triple H/Foley match. The MSG match is great and the introduction of Cactus Jack is incredible, and the Royal Rumble match made Triple H as a main eventer, but this is the one that cements him in that position. It's got the added drama of having Foley's career on the line, the cell adds an entirely different element to it and it builds off the Rumble match really well. The backdrop through the cell, the ring breaking, and then Foley kicks out! It's just incredible.

80. Brock Lesnar vs Seth Rollins - WWE Universal Title - Summerslam 2019


Both of these guys get a lot of criticism, some of this is warranted, but they killed it here. Seth counters a ton of moves, Brock murders him, including spinning him around using the tape from his rib injury, and Seth gets a huge win.

81. Ravishing Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - WWF Intercontinental Title Match - SummerSlam 1989


I know Rude gets a lot of credit for this match, but Warrior is incredible here. He's just invincible in the best kind of a way, he's a face who won't let a heel beat him, including kicking out of several killshot piledrivers. Piper gets involved and things get a bit messy, but Warrior has a great comeback and the crowd is molten.

82. Sgt. Slaughter vs. Hulk Hogan - WWF Title Match - WrestleMania VII

The last great Hogan match for a real long time. Slaughter is vicious, Hogan is fired up, and the whole thing builds to Hogan finally beating the Iraqi Sympathizer. A great heel and a great face in a big main event, plus Slaughter still bumps like a mad man.

83. Bret Hart vs. Ricky Steamboat - NESN Boston Garden House Show 3/8/86

This is a great match between two great wrestlers, but I think it benefits a lot from being a bit of a hidden gem. Before the footage explosion, if you didn't live in the area or weren't in the Boston area, there was little chance you had seen this match,and so the myth builds. If it had been on a WrestleMania II, it would be the only good match on that show and a great match, but I don't think it'd have the reverence it does in some circles. Still great and deserves to be on this list, but i think it is a bit overrated.

84. Tyler Bate vs. Pete Dunne - NXT UK Title Match - NXT Takeover: Chicago

Tyler Bate is a really great face here, and this match is really a coming out for Pete Dunne. Their match in the UK Title Tournament was great and this really builds off that well, in front of a hot crowd. It might not have the storyline or emotional angle that some people need for it to be a great match, but it has everything else.

85. Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair - WWF Title Match - WrestleMania VIII

I accept that this is a very good match, but outside of that, I don't know. It's one that I think belongs on this list and so its on here, but if this was a list of my favorite matches, I don't think it would make it.

86. Bruno Sammartino vs. Larry Zbyszko - Steel Cage Match - Showdown at Shea 8/9/80

As a stand alone match, it doesn't seem like much, but as the culmination of one of the hottest feuds in WWF history, in front of one of the biggest crowds in WWF history at that point, it's just too much to leave off this list. 

87. Rockers vs. Brain Busters - MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 1/23/89 

I'd say this is easily the best match Arn and Tully had in the WWF and one of the best the Rockers had. A great heel team and a great face team putting on a great tag match. It doesn't have anything that will wow you, its just a great tag team match.

88. Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect - SummerSlam 1991

The crowd is hot throughout, including going nuts when Bret kicks out of the Perfect Plex, and Mr. Perfect does some of his best heel work in-ring in the WWF. Plus, the finish is neat and the crowd goes wild for Hart winning the Title.

89. Steve Austin vs. Dude Love - WWF Title Falls Count Anywhere Match - Over the Edge 1998 

This one is fun. The crowd is hot, Dude Love is an absolute mad man out there trying to make Austin, and the finishing sequence is incredible.

90. Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio - World Heavyweight Title Match - Payback 2013

The fact the WWE tasked these guys with pulling off a double turn, and these guys actually went out and pulled it off, is a testament to both of these guys. Now, of course that isn't to say that either of these guys are greats, but on this night, in front of this crowd, they pulled of something exceptional.

91. Owen Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid - King of the Ring 1994 

The best sub-5 minute match in WWF history, just an incredible sprint from two of the best guys in this era. I don't know of if these guys could have had a better match with more time, because this one is pretty much perfect.

92. Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel - WWF Title No Holds Barred Match - IYH: Good Friends, Better Enemies 

It's a fight in the kind of way that a Shawn Michaels match can be a fight, there's some brawling on the floor and the announce table gets involved, but for Shawn that's about as knock-down, drag-out as it gets in this era. I have a couple of Nash matches higher on this list, one considerably higher, but I think there is a good argument that this is the best example of what he could do, if he wanted to, in a main event match.

93. WWF Intercontinental Champion Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine - WWF MSG 6/16/84

These guys have a handful of matches that could be on this list, and I'm not sure this is the best one, but its the one I liked the most when I watched a bunch of them recently.

94. Steve Austin vs. Triple H - Three Stages of Hell - No Way Out 2001

I'm not crazy about this, but it sort of encapsulates an era, and, as a person who doesn't really dig a lot of the Attitude Era stuff, I sort of had to find a few matches to put on this list from that time. This is one of them. 

95. Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels - WWF Title Match - Survivor Series 1997 

This, as a match, is kinda underrated. It is, despite all the theatrics and surrounding nonsense, the best match between these two, couple that with the magnitude of the match, it had to be on this list. 

96. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant - WWF Title Match - WrestleMania III 

Knew this was always making the list. Its a good match, with a great moment and an even greater impact.

97. Terry Funk vs. Lanny Poffo - MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 7/13/85 

The stuff that these guys do on a 1985 WWF show is pretty wild, including Poffo hitting a frankensteiner. If this was a list of favorite matches, it would be higher.

98. Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt - Royal Rumble 2014 

This was a match that Bray Wyatt really needed. His debut with Kane was lackluster and it wasn't like anything after that was great, but here he proved that at the very least he could be great if he was in there with a great wrestler. Bryan used this as the springboard to the WrestleMania main event.

99. Mankind vs. The Rock - WWF Title Match - Raw is War 1/4/99

Sometimes a match is all about the moment at the end, and sometimes that moment is the culmination of something big, and the start of something else. This is maybe the biggest one of those kinds of matches. 

100. Bruno Sammartino vs. Stan Hansen – WWE Title Steel Cage Match – MSG Network Madison Square Garden House Show 8/7/76

I don't love this match, but I feel like a list of top 100 WWE matches isn't complete without a Bruno title defense and this is a lot better than the Spiros Arion one that was also nominated. Not to knock it, but if it wasn't Bruno and part of a huge feud and angle, I don't think it sniffs the list.

submitted December 2019


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