2022 Chris100
Recommended Matches:
vs Roderick Strong 1/18
vs Ricochet - WWE 6/10
vs Sheamus - WWE 9/3
with Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci vs Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch - WWE 9/9
vs Sheamus - WWE 10/7
with Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci vs Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch - WWE 10/8
vs Rey Mysterio - WWE 11/4
vs Riddle - WWE 6/17
vs Brock Lesnar - WWE 7/30
vs Drew McIntyre - WWE 9/3
vs Logan Paul - WWE 11/5
vs Titan - CMLL 4/29
with Negro Casas and Volador Jr vs Hechicero, Soberano Jr, & Star Jr - CMLL 5/10
vs Soberano Jr - CMLL 5/31
vs Soberano Jr - CMLL 7/29
vs Go Shiozaki - NOAH 1/1
vs Masa Kitamiya - NOAH 1/16
vs Kazuyuki Fujita - NOAH 2/23
vs Kinya Okada - NOAH 8/28
with Titan & Mistico vs Negro Casas, Gran Guerrero, Atlantis Jr - CMLL1/1
with Hechicero & Star Jr vs Negro Casas, Templario, and Volador Jr - CMLL 5/10
vs Templario - CMLL 5/31
vs Templario - CMLL 7/29
with Yoshiko & Itsuki Aoki vs Arisa Nakajima, Makoto & ASUKA - Seadling 2/11
with Yoshiko & Itsuki Aoki vs ASUKA, Makoto & Ryo Mizunami - Seadling 3/22
with Itsuki Aoki vs Arisa Nakajima & Miyuki Takase - Seadling 4/13
vs Itsuki Aoki - Seadling 10/19
vs Drew McIntyre - WWE 7/29
vs Gunther - WWE 9/3
with Ridge Holland, and Butch vs Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther - WWE 9/9
vs Gunther - WWE 10/7
with Ridge Holland, and Butch vs Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther - WWE 10/8
vs Kuma Arashi - AJPW 4/9
vs Naoya Nomura - AJPW 9/19
with Rising Hayato vs Fuminori Abe & Shuji Ishikawa - AJPW 2/27
vs Big E vs Bobby Lashley vs Kevin Owens vs Brock Lesnar- WWE 1/1
vs Austin Theory vs AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar vs Riddle vs Bobby Lashley - WWE 2/19
with Kevin Owens vs Alpha Academy vs RKBro - WWE 3/7
vs AJ Styles - WWE 6/1
vs Bobby Lashley vs Austin Theory - WWE 11/26
vs Austin Theory vs AJ Styles vs Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar vs Bobby Lashley - WWE 2/19
with Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins vs Alpha Academy - WWE 3/7
with Randy Orton vs Street Profits vs Alpha Academy - WWE 4/3
vs Roman Reigns - WWE 6/17
vs Big E vs Bobby Lashley vs Kevin Owens vs Seth Rollins - WWE 1/1
vs Austin Theory vs AJ Styles vs Seth Rollins vs Riddle vs Bobby Lashley - WWE 2/19
vs Roman Reigns - WWE 7/30
With Ken45 & Manjimaru vs MUSHASHI, Kazui Hashimoto & Yasutaka Oosera - MPRO 12/15
with Soberano Jr & Mistico vs Negro Casas, Gran Guerrero, Atlantis Jr - CMLL1/1
Vs Templario - CMLL 4/29
Vs TJP - NJPW 5/24
with Yukio Sakaguchi vs HARASHIMA & Hikaru Sato - DDT 5/1
vs Yukio Sakaguchi - DDT 10/23
vs Yukio Naya - DDT 11/18
with ASUKA & Makoto vs Istuski Aoki, Yoshiko & Hiroyo Matsumoto - Seadling 2/11
with Miyuki Takase vs Itsuki Aoki & Hiroyo Matsumoto - Seadling 4/13
vs Tsukasa Fujimoto - Seadling 4/29
with Jimmy Uso vs New Day - WWE 1/1
with Jimmy Uso vs Street Profits - WWE 7/2
with Jimmy Uso vs New Day - WWE 11/11
with Jey Uso vs New Day - WWE 1/1
with Jey Uso vs Street Profits - WWE 7/2
with Jey Uso vs New Day - WWE 11/11
vs Jack Morris - NOAH 8/27
vs Takashi Sugiura - NOAH 8/28
vs Masa Kitamiya - NOAH 9/30
with Gran Guerrero and Negro Casas vs Soberano Jr, Titan & Mistico - CMLL1/1
vs Stuka Jr - CMLL 9/16
vs Stuka Jr - Colosal 11/25
vs Mika Iwata - Sendai Girls 1/8
with Arisa Nakajima & Makoto vs Istuski Aoki, Yoshiko & Hiroyo Matsumoto - Seadling 2/11
with Makoto & Ryo Mizunami vs Istuski Aoki, Yoshiko & Hiroyo Matsumoto - Seadling 3/22
vs Los Latharios - WWE 4/1
vs Gunther - WWE 6/10
vs Carmelo Hayes - NXT 9/4
with Yoshiko & Hiroyo Matsumoto vs Arisa Nakajima, Makoto & ASUKA - Seadling 2/11
with Yoshiko & Hiroyo Matsumoto vs ASUKA, Makoto & Ryo Mizunami - Seadling 3/22
with Hiroyo Matsumoto vs Arisa Nakajima & Miyuki Takase - Seadling 4/13
vs Hiroyo Matsumoto - Seadling 10/19
with Angelo Dawkins vs RKBro - WWE 1/1
with Angelo Dawkins vs RKBro vs Alpha Academy - WWE 4/3
with Angelo Dawkins vs The Usos - WWE 7/2
with Montez Ford vs RKBro - WWE 1/1
with Montez Ford vs RKBro vs Alpha Academy - 4/3
with Montez Ford vs The Usos - WWE 7/2
with Shun Skywalker vs Yuki Yoshioka & Dragon Dia - Dragon Gate 5/5
with Shun Skywalker vs Jason Lee & Jacky Funky Kamei - Dragon Gate 7/30
vs Fujita Hayato- MPRO 7/1
With Kazui Hashimoto & Yasutaka Oosera vs Fujita Hayato, Ken45 & Manjimaru - MPRO 12/15
vs Big E vs Bobby Lashley vs Kevin Owens vs Brock Lesnar- WWE 1/1
with Seth Rollins vs Alpha Academy vs RKBro - WWE 3/7
vs Josh Alexander - GSPW 7/23
vs Daisuke Sasaki - DDT 9/10
vs Andre Chase - NXT 7/26
with Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther vs Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch - WWE 10/8
with Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther vs Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch - WWE 10/8
with Koji Doi vs Suwama & Shotaro Ashino - AJPW 2/23
vs Kento Miyahara - AJPW 4/9
with Soberano Jr & Star Jr vs Negro Casas, Templario, and Volador Jr - CMLL 5/10
vs Euforia - CMLL 8/19
with Kazusada Higuchi vs HARASHIMA & Hikaru Sato - DDT 5/1
vs Kazusada Higuchi - DDT 10/23
with Yuki Yoshioka vs Shun Skywalker and Diamante - Dragon Gate 5/5
vs SB KENTo - Dragon Gate 5/5
with Shuji Ishikawa vs Kento Miyahra & Rising Hayato - AJPW 2/27
with Shigihiro Irie vs Kevin Ku & Dominic Garrini - wXw 10/2
vs ASUKA - Sendai Girls 1/8
vs Ayame Sasamura - Sendai Girls 4/23
with Dragon Dia vs Shun Skywalker and Diamante - Dragon Gate 5/5
vs KAI - Dragon Gate 7/30
with Julius Creed vs Grizzled Young Vets - NXT 2/8
with Julius Creed vs Pretty Deadly - NXT 6/4
with Brutus Creed vs Grizzled Young Vets - NXT 2/8
with Brutus Creed vs Pretty Deadly - NXT 6/4
vs El Lindaman - GLEAT 5/18
with Fuminori Abe vs Kevin Ku & Dominic Garrini - wXw 10/2
vs Austin Theory vs Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar vs Riddle vs Bobby Lashley - WWE 2/19
vs Seth Rollins - WWE 6/13
with Dominick Mysterio vs Logan Paul & The Miz - WWE 4/2
vs Gunther - WWE 11/4
with Gran Guerrero and Atlantis Jr vs Soberano Jr, Titan & Mistico - CMLL1/1
with Templario and Volador Jr vs Hechicero, Soberano Jr, & Star Jr - CMLL 5/10
vs Big E vs Seth Rollins vs Kevin Owens vs Brock Lesnar- WWE 1/1
vs Omos - WWE 4/3
vs Seth Rollins vs Austin Theory - WWE 11/26
with Fabian Aichner and Gunther vs Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch - WWE 10/8
with Fabian Aichner and Gunther vs Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch - WWE 10/8
with Kofi Kingston vs The Usos - WWE 1/1
with Kofi Kingston vs The Usos - WWE 11/11
with Xaxier Woods vs The Usos - WWE 1/1
with Xaxier Woods vs The Usos - WWE 11/11
with Arisa Nakajima & ASUKA vs Istuski Aoki, Yoshiko & Hiroyo Matsumoto - Seadling 2/11
with ASUKA & Ryo Mizunami vs Istuski Aoki, Yoshiko & Hiroyo Matsumoto - Seadling 3/22
with Riddle vs Street Profits - WWE 1/1
with Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins vs Alpha Academy - WWE 3/7
with Riddle vs Street Profits vs Alpha Academy - WWE 4/3
with Mark Briscoe vs FTR - ROH 4/1
with Mark Briscoe vs FTR - ROH 12/10
with Jay Briscoe vs FTR - ROH 4/1
with Jay Briscoe vs FTR - ROH 12/10
with Ashton Smith vs Mustache Mountain - NXT: UK 2/24
with Ashton Smith vs Mark Coffey & Joe Coffey - NXT: UK 5/12
vs Noam Dar - NXT: UK 3/10
with Mark Coffey vs Ashton Carter & Oliver Smith - NXT: UK 5/12
with Joe Coffey vs Oliver Carter & Ashton Smith - NXT UK 5/12
vs Noam Dar - NXT UK 8/25
with Logan Paul vs Los Mysterios - WWE 4/2
vs Ali - WWE 4/25
with Ciampa vs Ali & Cedric Alexander - WWE 8/15
with Otis vs Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins vs RKBro - WWE 3/7
with Otis vs Street Profits vs RKOBro - WWE 4/3
with Chad Gable vs Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins vs RKBro - WWE 3/7
with Chad Gable vs Street Profits vs RKOBro - WWE 4/3
With Dax Harwood vs Briscoe Brothers - ROH 4/1
with Dax Harwood vs Briscoe Brothers - ROH 12/10
with Cash Wheeler vs Briscoe Brothers - ROH 4/1
with Cash Wheeler vs Briscoe Brothers - ROH 12/10
with Sheamus, and Ridge Holland vs Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther - WWE 9/9
with Sheamus, and Ridge Holland vs Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther - WWE 10/8
with Rip Fowler vs The Creed Brothers - NXT 2/8
with Rip Fowler and Joe Gacy vs Odyssey Jones, Malik Blade and Idris Enofe - NXT 12/27
with Jagger Reid vs The Creed Brothers - NXT 2/8
with Jagger Reid and Joe Gacy vs Odyssey Jones, Malik Blade and Idris Enofe - NXT 12/27
vs Miz - WWE 4/25
with Cedric Alexander vs Miz & Ciampa - WWE 8/15
vs Axiom - WWE 12/22
with Istuski Aoki & Hiroyo Matsumoto vs Arisa Nakajima, Makoto & ASUKA - Seadling 2/11
with Istuski Aoki & Hiroyo Matsumoto vs ASUKA, Makoto & Ryo Mizunami - Seadling 3/22vs Seth Rollins vs AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar vs Riddle vs Bobby Lashley - WWE 2/19
vs Bobby Lashley vs Seth Rollins - WWE 11/26
with Sheamus, and Butch vs Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther - WWE 9/9
with Sheamus, and Butch vs Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther - WWE 10/8
with The Miz vs Los Mysterios - WWE 4/2
vs Roman Reigns - WWE 11/5
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