Crimson, White Moriyama, and Indigo

 There's some stuff that no one is watching. I don't mean that literally, of course someone, somewhere watches it, but they're not talking about it. They're not doing anything about it. There are a lot of wrestling companies like that, they exist, they put on shows, and people watch and attend them, but they have no impact. Heat-Up is kind of that way. I don't really understand it, the guy who runs it seems weird to me, I've never really seen a single person discuss it, but most of their events have results on Cagematch, so someone, somewhere cares, but only just enough so that the results aren't lost to history.

White Moriyama is a guy from the FUTEN promotion, and he now only works occasionally on HEAT-UP shows. I care, because I like White Moriayma, but not enough to watch a show live, or seek it out if it doesn't go up on Youtube, but I care a little bit, so here we are, me writing about Heat-Up, which I don't think has happened, at least in English anyway, since White Moriyama showed up in Heat-Up a few years ago.

White Moriyama & Yuji Kito vs The Orthodox No. 1 & The Orthodox #2 - 1/31/2023

As stated above, I don't know a lot about what's going on here. I know I like White Moriyama. Other than that I know nothing. The Orthodox are guys in Zubbas and masks, I think they're trainees. Either that or they just kinda suck. Yuji Kito seems like just a guy. He's also not very good. White Moriyama is wearing white gear, and it looks like shit. It's dingy, and its white, and it looks like he hasn't washed it. He's tasked with making this match good, and he tries, but it really just amounts to him trying to submit these masked dudes while they throw bad strikes and hit bad-looking basic spots. Moriyama ends up winning with a Fujiwara armbar. It was okay. We've had 3 White Moriyama matches this year, this in the only one on tape, and it's not a good match, but Moyiyama's offense looks good, so if anything else comes out from this year, it could end up being good. 


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