[08-20-2006] John Cena vs Edge


We've chronicled most of this feud up to this point. Edge cashed in the Money in the Bank in January, and Cena reclaimed the title at Royal Rumble. We didn't see Edge winning the title on Raw in a triple threat with Cena and RVD in July, but Cena had RVD beat until Edge stole the pin. After that, our last installment, Edge got Disqualified at Saturday Night's Main Event. Since then, Edge had sex on TV and slapped Cena's dad, bringing us here, Cena challenging Edge in Boston and if Edge gets DQ'ed, he loses the title. 

Cena comes out ultra-confident and Edge is not, he knows Cena has his number and that, in some ways, the deck is stacked against him due to the stipulation, on top of this match being in Cena's backyard. All Cena early until Edge throws him into the ring post and takes over. Edge seems to think his best chance of winning is to have Cena counted out, and he attempts that feat twice to no avail. On the second 9 count, the Anti-Cena crowd really shows up for the first time. A brief glimpse of hope from Cena, but Edge throws him over the top rope and we get a near count out again. Still all Edge for a bit until Cena fights out of a chin lock, but again the advantage is fleeting, as Edge takes over again. The early parts of this match haven't been perfect, but things are building nicely, and when Cena finally comes back, things are gonna explode, despite the Anti-Cena boo-birds. Edge tries to go to thetop rope, Cena tries a superplex, but no dice and Edge hits a flying clothesline. Edge works a camel clutch, but Cena fights out, hits a suplex and both guys are down. Edge is up first, and Lita slides a chair into the ring, for some reason. Edge throws it out, knowing using it would cost him the title, but Cena takes the opportunity to get back on offense. Signature Cena comeback leading to a Five Knuckle Shuffle for 2. Edge fights back and hits an Impaler DDT, the first plausible near fall of the match. Edge goes to the top rope again, Cena catches him and tries for the Super FU, but Edge slides off, Cena goes for a victory roll, but only 2. Edge goes to the top again, Cena catches the crossbody and attempts a FU, but no luck. Lita jumps on the apron, Cena stops short, but Edge knocks her off. Lita's involvement here has not been great, but the stipulation makes her pretty ineffectual anyway. Double clothesline and Edge is up first. He goes for a spear, but Cena gets the STFU. Edge grabs the rope to break the hold, and Lita slides him a set of brass knuckles. He swings wildly, Cena ducks, and gets Edge up for the FU. Lita runs in, and jumps on the stack. Cena gets Lita off, but Edge slides off and nails Cena in the back of the head with the foreign object and gets the win.

A good not great match here. The finish was good, but the Cena comeback after such a prolonged Edge segment never really materialized. I think Edge did his job here, but when it came time for Cena to take over, it just didn't take. Outside of the Five Knuckle Shuffle, he didn't have any significant offense the entire match, and for the main event of SummerSlam, for this kind of match, he needed to bring a bit more to the table. The worst Cena performance so far, not awful, but still a bit disappointing. 


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