[07-15-2006] John Cena vs Edge

In June, Rob Van Dam beat John Cena for the WWE Title, but here, a little over a month later, Edge is the champion and RVD has been suspended as a result of a drug-related arrest. So, things have changed, but the backup plan is a pretty good one. Edge cost Cena the title, so there is still that issue, and Edge pinned RVD in a triple threat with Cena to win the title, so the title has been integrated into things seamlessly. That leads us to this night, singles match for the WWE title between Edge and John Cena, not where the WWE planned to be, but still a worthy main event. 

Before the bell rings, Edge is pulling his funny faces, looking fired up, but when the bell rings be bails to the outside immediately. Cena catches up with him, but Edge uses his overexuberance to get the advantage as we go to commercial. Edge botches a superplex, slipping on the top rope, but Cena manages to get himself over on it, so it ends up looking good anyway.   We get another one of those dreaded 'Boo-Yay' strike exchanges, Cena throws some combos and takes over. Pump-handle slam, 5 knuckle-shuffle, FU, 1-2, and Lita pulls the ref out of the ring. With the match falling apart, Edge tried to capitalize and charges for a spear, Cena dodges, drop toehold into the STFU. Edge is about to tap, but Lita hits the referee and this time Mike Chioda calls for the bell. Cena wins, but Edge keeps the title.

Cena goes nuts on Edge. A Cena version of a tope, smacks his head against the steps, decks him with a monitor, and then an FU from the top of the stairs through a table, which looks great.

This is fine. Its short ends in a DQ, but for a seven-minute match, it was exciting enough, not a full-out sprint, but a quality outing. It really doesn't stack up to the other matches so far, because they've all been, at worst, solid PPV main events, and this was never going to be that. 



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