Greatest WWE Match Wrap-Up

Place to be Nation did a list of the 100 greatest matches in WWE history . I like making lists, and I've got plenty of time to waste, so I watched every match nominated and then submitted a ballot . Here's some stuff from that ballot that I put together. I ended up watching close to 500 matches for this, most of which I had probably seen at least once before, but a lot of them, especially a lot of the 80s stuff, I watched for the first time. When I get to the stats later, you'll see the people who showed up on the list the most, and I'll talk about that a bit later, but there are some guys who aren't exactly heavily represented on here that bare mentioning. The first thing worth mentioning is that not a lot of pre-Wrestlemania matches ended up getting nominated, and so I think its safe to say that there are big swathes of WWWF stuff that isn't represented here, and to be fair there's not a ton of 60s and 70s stuff around, but if a project like this comes a...